Meet Artist Penelope Dullaghan


Meet Penelope, the artist who created this powerful piece. 

Who is a woman who Womazes you? 

My next-door neighbor, Amy, consistently Womazes me. She’s one of the kindest, most empathetic people I’ve ever met and is a role model for me as a woman and as a parent.

What is the inspiration behind the piece of art you’ve created?  

I am inspired by the idea of oneness – the opposite of the divisiveness so prevalent in our world these days. We are all connected and unified, regardless of our differences. And I believe that really knowing this, and feeling it, would help us all be kinder to everyone we meet.

What are you passionate about?

I’m passionate about learning. The more I learn, the more I grow, and the more I can be open and be of service.

What’s one message you think the world needs to hear right now? 

I’m not sure, but I think just *listening* is a good start.

To see more of Penelope's beautiful work, follow her on Instagram (@penelope_dullaghan) and visit her website at
