Meet the talented sisters behind this beautiful artwork


Meet Laura and Daniela, the talented sisters behind this beautiful piece!  

Who is a woman who Womazes you? 

Our mother is the womazing woman in our life. She inspires us daily and she's taught us that no matter our circumstances, we must brave it through. 

What is the inspiration behind the piece of art you’ve submitted? 

We've faced some pretty dark moments in our lives that have taken a toll on us, but we have also become better people because of them. We saw this phrase in a lettering challenge and it definitely stuck with us. "Growth looks good on you." Basically, what you've been through doesn't define you anymore. You've grown homegirl ❤️

What are you passionate about?

We are passionate about empowering everyone, especially women through our lettering. Everyone loves and needs a little encouragement. 

What’s one message you think the world needs to hear right now? 

What you've been through doesn't define you. You are in charge of your now. 

Follow Laura and Daniela's journey on Instagram (@foxglovelettering)! 
