Photo by Sharon Morgenstern Photography
WELCOME TO WOMAZE! We are so incredibly happy that you’re here.
First things first: Know that within the Womaze family, you are loved, you are accepted, and you are seen. Our mission with Womaze is to bring more love and acceptance into the world — starting with helping people to love and accept themselves. The fact that you’re here means that you are making this world a better place because you are committing to loving yourself more. That’s a big deal, and we are so proud of you for that.
We’re the Wiser women, the founders of Womaze. We’re three sisters (Becca, Leah, and Hannah) and our mom (Corin). As a family, we know that we were put on this earth to bring Womaze to life. We feel, on a deep level, that our world is desperate for connection, love, and hope. We also know that life is full of ups and downs, and that we’re not given an instruction manual on how to do this whole life thing (but wouldn’t that be nice?!). We created Womaze as your“toolbox for life,” with tools to help make your life experience the best it can possibly be.
One of our community’s favorite parts of the app is our “Push Motivations” – empowering push notifications that we send out twice daily to remind people they are loved and supported. We’ve received hundreds and hundreds of messages from users telling us how much these Push Motivations have changed their lives. If you haven’t already, turn on your Womaze notifications to receive these messages (and if you have any questions, you can reach us at
We hope Womaze serves as a constant reminder that you are not alone, that you have tools to help you navigate whatever you’re going through, and that you are more than enough, exactly as you are.
With love,
Corin, Becca, Leah, and Hannah